Manhattan Distance
Definition: The Manhattan distance between two points (x_1, y_1) and (x_2, y_2) in a 2D plane is defined as dis = |x_1 - x_2| + |y_1 - y_2|, where | \cdot | denotes the absolute value.
Problem Definition
Given a set of points {p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_n}, where each point p_i is represented by its coordinates (x_i, y_i) in a 2D plane, the task is to find the maximum Manhattan distance between any two points p_a and p_b in the set. The desired time complexity for the solution is O(n).
To avoid the absolute value operation in the definition of Manhattan distance, we can consider different cases based on the relative positions of the points:
- Case 1: dis_1 = x_1 - x_2 + y_1 - y_2, when x_1 > x_2 and y_1 > y_2
- Case 2: dis_2 = x_2 - x_1 + y_1 - y_2, when x_1
and y_1 > y_2 - Case 3: dis_3 = x_1 - x_2 + y_2 - y_1, when x_1 > x_2 and y_1
- Case 4: dis_4 = x_2 - x_1 + y_2 - y_1, when x_1
and y_1
By simplifying these expressions, we can rewrite them as:
- Simplified Case 1: dis_1 = (x_1 + y_1) - (x_2 + y_2)
- Simplified Case 2: dis_2 = -(x_1 - y_1) - (x_2 - y_2)
- Simplified Case 3: dis_3 = (x_1 - y_1) - (x_2 - y_2)
- Simplified Case 4: dis_4 = -(x_1 + y_1) + (x_2 + y_2)
From these simplified cases, we can deduce that the maximum Manhattan distance can be obtained by considering the following scenarios:
- The maximum value of (x+y) minus the minimum value of (x+y)
- The minimum value of (x-y) minus the minimum value of (x-y)
- The maximum value of (x-y) minus the minimum value of (x-y)
- The minimum value of (x+y) minus the maximum value of (x+y)
By iterating through the set of points and calculating these values, we can find the maximum Manhattan distance in O(n) time complexity.
Here is Python code.
class Solution:
def maxPoints(self, points):
max_plus = max_minus = max_diff_plus = max_diff_minus = float('-inf')
min_plus = min_minus = min_diff_plus = min_diff_minus = float('inf')
max_plus_point = max_minus_point = max_diff_plus_point = max_diff_minus_point = None
min_plus_point = min_minus_point = min_diff_plus_point = min_diff_minus_point = None
for point in points:
x, y = point
if x + y > max_plus:
max_plus = x + y
max_plus_point = point
if x + y < min_plus:
min_plus = x + y
min_plus_point = point
if x - y > max_minus:
max_minus = x - y
max_minus_point = point
if x - y < min_minus:
min_minus = x - y
min_minus_point = point
if -x + y > max_diff_plus:
max_diff_plus = -x + y
max_diff_plus_point = point
if -x + y < min_diff_plus:
min_diff_plus = -x + y
min_diff_plus_point = point
if -x - y > max_diff_minus:
max_diff_minus = -x - y
max_diff_minus_point = point
if -x - y < min_diff_minus:
min_diff_minus = -x - y
min_diff_minus_point = point
distances = {
(max_plus - min_plus): (max_plus_point, min_plus_point),
(max_minus - min_minus): (max_minus_point, min_minus_point),
(max_diff_plus - min_diff_plus): (max_diff_plus_point, min_diff_plus_point),
(max_diff_minus - min_diff_minus): (max_diff_minus_point, min_diff_minus_point)
max_distance = max(distances.keys())
return distances[max_distance], max_distance